Parrot eggs for sale. We collect all of our African Grey Parrot eggs from birds that are in excellent health in our aviary. These eggs are then examined with a candle and proven to be 100% viable to hatch healthy babies. Fertile African Grey Parrot Eggs
What is the best way to provide care for African Grey eggs?
To incubate the eggs, use an incubator that is specifically intended for eggs from exotic birds or parrots. The incubator that you use has to feature temperature control that is accurate to within one-tenth of a degree within the range. A system that can manage the humidity would be ideal. The humidity should be between 40 and 50 percent, and the temperature should be kept at 99.3 degrees Fahrenheit. Fertile African Grey Parrot Eggs
In what amount of time does it take for eggs laid by African Grey parrots to hatch?
28 days to 30 days
The typical number of eggs in a clutch is between two and five.
It is wise to avoid causing the parents an excessive amount of inconvenience; perhaps you could inspect the nesting box once a day when the parents are eating. You don’t want to take the chance of eggs being cracked or abandoned. When 28 to 30 days have passed, the chicks should have hatched. Fertile African Grey Parrot Eggs
We sell African Grey eggs that are extremely fertile, as well as candlelight-hatching parrot eggs for a variety of different types of parrots. Every one of our African Grey Eggs is gathered from birds that are in excellent health within our aviary, examined under candlelight, and verified to be 100% viable to hatch healthy babies. At this time, we are accepting orders from individuals who are interested in beginning the process of rearing their parrots from the egg stage. It can be a very exciting experience to hatch your animals. The following are the parrot eggs that we sell: Parrot eggs for sale.
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