Fertile Macaw Parrot Eggs
All our Macaw eggs are collected from very healthy birds in our aviary, candlelight tested, and 100% confirmed fertile for hatching healthy babies.
Incubate the Macaw eggs in an incubator designed for parrot or exotic bird eggs. The incubator you use should be accurate. Fertile Macaw Parrot Eggs
What temperature should Macaw eggs be incubated at?
The ideal temperature for parrot eggs ranges from 98.7 to 100 °F. 99 °F is suitable for most types of eggs. The optimal temperature depends on various factors, with humidity being the most important..Fertile Macaw Parrot Eggs
How long does it take for a Macaw egg to hatch?
The duration of incubation for parrot eggs can vary depending on the breed. However, it usually lasts between 24 and 28 days. Some parrot breeds can hatch in as little as 18 days. It’s important to research your specific breed to find out how long the egg needs to be incubated. Fertile Macaw Parrot Eggs
How long can Macaw eggs sit before you put them in the incubator?
Turn the eggs daily until they are in the incubator. Hatchability holds well up to 3 weeks, so don’t store eggs for more than 3 weeks before incubating. Fertile Macaw Parrot Eggs
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